Wednesday, September 11, 2013

P2 Pam's Pick: Family Time, Be Still on September 11th

We all have a story from that day, the day when many of us experienced a loss of innocence never to be regained -- September 11, 2001.

It was my second day of college; I had just parted ways with my mother, on the Q train, as she had a training class in Brooklyn and I had a few more stops until my arrival at NYU. Mine was the last train to go over the bridge. The first tower was already hit and, like most passengers, I assumed a little helicopter had an accident. By the time I got to 14th Street in Manhattan, subway service was halted. I ended up walking down to 4th street and getting in line for the payphone. I was alone, with very few familiar faces, no way of getting home and no way for my parents to come and claim me. Before noon, I still had the option of walking over the bridge back to Brooklyn, but I was petrified that a bomb would hit me. I stayed underground at NYU’s gym facility until I decided to run to 14th street with a few other girls and spend the night at a friend of an acquaintance’s dorm. It was an odd day. I remember being outside watching the towers fall. I remember thinking I was in a movie. I remember falling asleep and dreaming of being home the following day. As you can imagine, this is an abridged version of what happened that day. There were many faces, many frantic phone calls, many rumors, and plenty of heroic moments of kids going to help at Ground Zero or give blood.
As I sit hear listening to the 9/11 Memorial services, I find it difficult to share a Pam’s Pick. Can I really tell you about my favorite lip/cheek stain, today? Do you want to know about the coolest play gym I found for my baby or the coolest, new hotel in NYC?

Life goes on and upkeeping our style and beauty routine can only help us get through difficult times. But, can’t we just stand still? Can we allocate this day as a national day or remembrance? Can’t we have a moment to properly reflect?

So, today’s Pam’s Pick is family. I’m devoting most of my day to my beloved daughter Ilana Rose. We already had a pleasant walk, this morning, and we’ll do play time in the afternoon. In the evening I’m planning a nice dinner for the hubby. Today, obsess over your family a little bit more than usual. Call your grandma one extra time. Give your children one extra kiss. Give you hubby one extra piece of chocolate! And, if you’re blessed to have both your parents, plan to have them over this weekend or do an extended Skype call. And, of course, do it all in mascara; just make sure it's make sure it's waterproof.
Pam's Pick 9.11.13 - Family Time, Stillness, Love, Making Memories

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